“Shout It Out” is a lively track performed by Elvis Presley, featured in the 1966 musical film Frankie and Johnny. The song, written by the accomplished team of Bill Giant, Bernie Baum, and Florence Kaye, embodies a cheerful and optimistic tone, urging listeners to embrace joy and celebration. It was recorded on May 13, 1965, at Radio Recorders Studio B in Hollywood. This session marked the beginning of the soundtrack recordings for the film, with the seventh and final take chosen as the master version.
The song’s inclusion in Frankie and Johnny reflects a broader trend in Elvis’s mid-60s movie soundtracks, where tracks often had dual purposes: serving the narrative of the film while also appealing to his contemporary audience. “Shout It Out,” with its upbeat 20th-century pop sound, feels somewhat anachronistic in the movie’s 19th-century riverboat setting, suggesting it was tailored more for the accompanying soundtrack album than strict period authenticity.
Released on the soundtrack album in March 1966, the song represents a classic example of Elvis’s charm and versatility, blending humor, energy, and musicality into a performance that stands out even when separated from its cinematic origins.