“Mom and Dad’s Waltz” is a classic country song penned and originally performed by Lefty Frizzell. Released on July 8, 1951, as the B-side to “Always Late (With Your Kisses),” the song quickly gained popularity, reaching No. 2 on the country charts in August 1951. It remained on the charts for 29 weeks and was the No. 9 best-selling country record of that year.
The song’s enduring appeal is evident in the numerous artists who have covered it over the years, including Patti Page, Ernest Tubb, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, The Mom and Dads, and Iris DeMent.
Willie Nelson’s rendition of “Mom and Dad’s Waltz” is featured on his 1975 album “To Lefty from Willie,” a heartfelt tribute to Lefty Frizzell. Nelson’s interpretation showcases his distinctive vocal style and deep respect for Frizzell’s influence on country music.
The song’s lyrics express a son’s deep affection and gratitude for his parents, encapsulated in the metaphor of a waltz—a dance that requires harmony and balance, much like familial relationships. This timeless theme, combined with its melodic simplicity, has solidified “Mom and Dad’s Waltz” as a staple in the country music canon, resonating with audiences across generations.
For those interested in experiencing Willie Nelson’s rendition, a recording is available on YouTube.
“Mom and Dad’s Waltz” remains a poignant reminder of the foundational role parents play in shaping our lives, and through its heartfelt lyrics and melody, it continues to evoke nostalgia and appreciation for familial bonds.
I’d walk for miles
Cry or smile for my mama and daddy
I want them, I want them to know
Now I feel my love is real
For my mama and daddy
I want them to know I love them so
In my heart, joy tears start
‘Cause I’m happy and I pray every day
For mom and pappy
And each night, I’d walk for miles
Cry or smile for my mama and daddy
I want them to know I love them so
In my heart, joy tears start
‘Cause I’m happy and I pray every day
For mom and pappy
And each night, I’d walk for miles
Cry or smile for my mama and daddy
I want them to know I love them so
I love them so