“He Stopped Loving Her Today,” written by Bobby Braddock and Curly Putman, is a poignant country ballad that tells the story of a man who continues to love his departed lover until his death. Released by George Jones in April 1980, it became his first solo No. 1 single in six years and is often hailed as one of the greatest country songs of all time.
The song’s narrative and Jones’s emotive delivery resonated deeply with audiences, earning it numerous accolades, including the Grammy Award for Best Male Country Vocal Performance in 1980. It also received the Country Music Association’s Song of the Year award in both 1980 and 1981.
On May 2, 2013, during George Jones’s funeral service at the Grand Ole Opry, fellow country artist Alan Jackson paid tribute by performing “He Stopped Loving Her Today.” This heartfelt rendition honored Jones’s legacy and highlighted the song’s enduring significance in country music history.