“Josephine” is a poignant song by the country duo Joey + Rory, featured on their 2012 album His and Hers. The track draws inspiration from the heartfelt letters of John Robison, a Civil War soldier who corresponded with his wife, Josephine, during his time away at war.
These letters serve as the foundation for the song’s narrative, capturing the emotional depth and enduring love between the couple amidst the turmoil of war.
The song’s impact extended beyond music, inspiring Rory Feek to delve deeper into storytelling through film. He directed, co-wrote, and edited a movie titled Josephine, which portrays a young farmer’s wife who disguises herself as a man to enlist in the army, determined to find her missing husband. The film, reflecting themes of love, sacrifice, and identity, was showcased at the 2016 Nashville Film Festival.
Rory Feek’s dedication to storytelling, both in music and film, underscores his commitment to capturing profound human experiences. The song “Josephine” stands as a testament to the enduring power of love and the lengths individuals will go to preserve it, even in the face of overwhelming challenges.
I’m writing this letter, my darling, from high on the hill
We’ve been marching ten days and we’re just outside Hopkinsville
It’s been snowing all night and we ain’t got no more kerosene
It’s colder than hell, hope you’re doin’ well, Josephine
There’s a fever in camp and our boys are too sick to fight
We done lost old Calvin, Beaver won’t make it through the night
I hope I heard the captain say it’s the worst he’s ever seen
I’m losin’ some weight but I’m still standin’ up straight, Josephine
Tell my children I miss ’em and wish I could kiss ’em once more
Bet they’ve grown a foot since they waved me goodbye at the door
Tell mama and daddy I’m alright and just want one more thing
I love you, I love you, I love you, Josephine
There’s three thousand union troops camped at the river below
There’s six hundreds of us, least there was two nights ago
When Erwin deserted they hung him down by the tree
God I’m so scared, keep me in your prayers, Josephine
Well the orders come down, we’ll attack tonight at nightfall
If we can stop them right here we can win this war once and for all
You know, I killed a union boy last week, bet he wasn’t fourteen
He looked just like our son, forgive me for what I’ve done, Josephine
Tell my children I miss ’em and wish I could kiss ’em once more
Bet they’ve grown a foot since they waved me goodbye at the door
Tell mama and daddy I’m alright and just want one more thing
I love you, I love you, I love you, Josephine
And lastly my darling, in case I should be killed
Don’t breathe me too long, promise me that you will
Marry another, don’t let him treat our babies mean
When he’s holding you, would you think of me too, Josephine?
Tell my babies I miss ’em and wish I could kiss ’em once more
Bet they’ve grown a foot since they waved me goodbye at the door
Tell mama and daddy I’m alright and just want one more thing
I love you, I love you, I love you, Josephine
I love you, I love you, I love you, Josephine